Book Chapters
Bouwer, A., Holland, S. and Dalgleish, M. (2013). Song Walker Harmony Space: Embodied Interaction Design for Complex Musical Skills. In Holland, S., Wilkie, K., Mulholland, P. and Seago, A. (Eds.), Music and Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Verlag, London. ISBN 979–1–4471–2989–9. Pre-print:
Bouwer, A., Holland, S. and Dalgleish, M. (2013). The Haptic Bracelets: Learning Multi-Limb Rhythm Skills from Haptic Stimuli While Reading. In Holland, S., Wilkie, K., Mulholland, P. and Seago, A. (Eds.), Music and Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Verlag, London. ISBN 979–1–4471–2989–9. Pre-print
Holland, S., Wilkie, K., Bouwer, A., Dalgleish, M. and Mulholland, P. (2011). Whole Body Interaction in Abstract Domains. In England, D. (Ed.) Whole Body Interaction. Human–Computer Interaction Series, Springer Verlag, London. ISBN 978–0–85729–432–6. Pre-Print:
Conference Papers
Bouwer, A., Holland, S. and Dalgleish, M. (2012). Moving in harmony: the use of spatial metaphor and whole-body interaction to reframe harmonic tasks. Paper presented at the Music and Shape conference, 12–14 July, Imperial College London, UK. Pre-Print:
Bouwer, A., Dalgleish, M. and Holland, S. (2011a). The Haptic iPod: passive learning of multi-limb rhythm skills. Paper presented at Workshop `When Words Fail: What can Music Interaction tell us about HCI?’ at the British Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 4 July 2011, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Pre-Print:
Bouwer, A., Dalgleish, M. and Holland, S. (2011b). Song Walker: Embodied Interaction Design for Harmony. Paper presented at Workshop `When Words Fail: What can Music Interaction tell us about HCI?’ at the British Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 4 July 2011, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Pre-Print:
van der Linden, J., Rogers, Y., Taylor, C. and Dalgleish, M. (2011). Technology Inspired Design for Pervasive Healthcare. In: Workshop on User-Centered Design of Pervasive Healthcare Applications, as part of Pervasive Healthcare conference, 23 May 2011, Dublin, Ireland. Pre-Print:
Holland S., Bouwer, A., Dalgleish, M. and Hurtig, T. M. (2010). Feeling the beat where it counts: fostering multi-limb rhythm skills with the haptic drum kit. Tangible and embedded interaction. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction (TEI’10), Cambridge, MA, USA, Jan 25–27, 2010. ISBN: 978–1–60558–841–4. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 21–28. Pre-Print:
Dalgleish, M. (2008). The Neglected Histories of Live Electronic Music. In Forgotten Modernisms, Day Conference, 16 April 2008, Wolverhampton, UK.